Thursday, December 10, 2009

Coco bump

Desmond has learned a new trick. It's a Paguirigan classic called coco bump wherein I say, "coco bump" and Desmond responds by touching his forehead to mine. We like to do it no less than 10 times per session and it generally ends with giggles and squeezes. His new grin is nothing less than amazing and shows off his two teeth and his ability to scrunch his almond eyes.

It's all Christmas up in the joint complete with an Advent Calendar and loads of candy lying around the house. I have mixed feelings when I fill Mahalia's head with lies about Santa and how he's watching her, etc. In keeping with another Paguirigan tradition, I told her that if she put her shoes out on the eve of December 6 that she would wake to find them stuffed with candy. She was terrified by the fact that St. Nick would be sneaking into the house and pleaded with Shane to tell St. Nick that we had plenty of candy in the house and he need not sneak into our home. Conveniently, St. Nick left a note to Mahalia asking her to not be scared and that she deserved the candy coming to her. More lies!! For the time being, though, it is a convenient bribe for our little lady who lately prefers to push the envelope with her weary mom and pop.

It was 60 degrees on Tuesday, 40 on Wednesday and is supposed to be 30 degrees tomorrow. I am flustered by the blustery weather and consuming too much coffee to ward off the chill.

I am astounded by how quickly the days pass and am looking forward to having some time off, spending my days in soft pants snacking on salty then sweet then salty, etc.

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