He passed the car seat test with flying colors and slept the whole way home from the hospital.
Mahalia is psyched to have a real live doll to play with. Here she is covering him and uncovering him. We three took a nap this afternoon while daddy played a show on Broadway.
It is such sweet relief to be home.
mazel tov!!!!! welcome home dezi! i'm calling you now.
yaaaay! you are so lucky to have 2 amazing sweetie pies in your house!!
Kali!!! I am filled with happiness for you. Biggest hugs to all of you. Could Dezi and Mahalia be any cuter? I mean, seriously.
We are so happy for all four of you! Welcome home, Desmond!
Jim, Heidi & Phoebe
Yay!!!!! What a joyous day. My heart is swelling up for you all.
Mazel Tov! Lots of love to you all.
Hi Eveyone,
Just got caught up today--Kali you will do fine--take a deep breath -and relax and enjoy Dezi being home. You will probably learn more from the visiting nurse than you did from the hospital nurse. Keep a note pad close and write down all you questions and you know we are only a phone call away for reassurance!! He and MaeMae
are beautiful!!
Love ya
he might become quite accustomed to all these people around taking such good care of him - no matter where he goes!!!!
can't wait to you're all settled in and ready for visits...
xo, sarah tim tuki
Yay!!! I am so happy Dezi is home! See you in Brooklyn!
Love, Nanci
Hip, hip, hooray! Breathe in, breathe out and enjoy. xoxo, Jacquelyn
Congratulations, Kali! I'm so happy to hear that you and Dezi survived the hospital ordeal and are now back in your own home. You are both champions! I hope the worst is behind you and that you have nothing but smooth sailing ahead of you. But if the seas do get a little rough from time to time, you should feel confident that you have what it takes --especially the love and support of many friends and family, as I have learned from reading your blog -- to get through it. Best wishes to you and your family as you begin the next chapter!
Susan, Irwin & Noah
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