Tuesday, April 14, 2009



Stephanie Stislow said...

We've been waiting to see that post and our hearts are soaring. Wow. Great. We're around the whole weekend if you need anything. And we mean it -- anything!!!

All the best,

Unknown said...

Yeeehawww! I'm excited for all of you, and so proud of how you all have managed through the last two months. Dezi is blessed to be coming home to you.

sarah hale said...


Anonymous said...

This is the absolute best news! So very glad your beautiful boy will be with you at home soon- we look forward to meeting him and send all our love-


sarah said...

it's a party weekend in brooklyn!!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited that I cannot imagine how excited all of you are!!!!!Its been a long couple of months for all of you-but my buttons are popping out of pride for how well you have done.. Give yourselves a big pat on the back for us and a great big kiss and hug for Dezi!! Congratulations-you all made it!!!! Cant wait to hear more about the big homecoming and Mahalia's comments.

Love you
Ps The feeding tube will pass too

Unknown said...

Hurray!!! I am so happy for you guys. It'll be so great for you to all be together at home :) Yay! Can't wait to see you.

Hypnobaby said...

Our prayers have been answered! Ellis says he can't wait to meet his new buddy in NYC.
The Thorsen's

Anonymous said...

This is such great news! Let us know if you need anything! - Heidi, Jim and Phoebe

emma said...


Anonymous said...

Wonderful!! Love, Gal