Friday, April 17, 2009

A Mixed Bag

Baby Mahalia died last night.

Her bed was right next to Dezi's and I watched her get sicker with each passing day. Having seen her decline, it is a relief to know that baby Mahalia's suffering is over. I sat with Mahalia's mom,Patricia, today in the hospital lobby and listened to the story of her passing and was so deeply moved by her devotion to her little baby. She is 26. Partricia and her husband are cremating Mahalia's remains and going home to Peru to be with family.

What a mystery life is.

What a month this has been.

Dezi will have to sit in his car seat for an hour tomorrow to make sure that his reflux doesn't present problems in that position. The nurse who is choosing to put him to the test said she was just being very cautious. There will surely be papers to sign, Drs. to wait on, etc. Then Dezi will see the sky for the first time, breathe some fresh air, take his first car ride, see his first tree, see his first cat, and be in his beep free home for the first time.

Forecast for tomorrow: 75 degrees and sunny. I am a ball of nerves.


Anonymous said...

our hearts are bursting. love you all.

matt and emi

sarah hale said...

I can't wait to see photos of Dezi and older sister (peanut).